
TCCMV offers childcare as a convenience to its membership. Members may take advantage of the childcare area anytime they are utilizing the club amenities, whether enjoying dinner on the patio, attending a group fitness class or playing nine holes of golf.
The Childcare area offers a welcoming and engaging environment for children of club members. By making the kids’ experiences safe and fun, they can enjoy the club as much as their parents do!
The childcare area is open year round with extended hours until 9 p.m. during the summer months.
The childcare area is a supervised environment where kids from 6 weeks to 12 years old can play for up to 2 hours per day. Kids can color, play with toys, meet new friends, enjoy a book in the reading nook, watch movies, participate in games and more!
All childcare attendants are certified in CPR and First Aid, have experience working with kids of all ages and have passed a background check.